Covid-19 Weddings in 2020 & 2021
Covid-19 Weddings in 2020 & 2021
Covid 19-Weddings 2020/2021
Can you have the ‘Wedding of your Dreams’ ~ Yes you can! If you are wishing to marry this year or next, you can still have the ‘Wedding of Your Dreams!’
Couples who had booked their weddings to be held earlier in this year have mostly all postponed their dates to later in 2020 or going through to 2021. Some couples, who ‘just want to get married now’ have opted for a small family wedding during lockdown, and these have been some of the most beautiful weddings you can imagine.

Renewal Of Vows
So this is what you can do…
My suggestion would be to have your wedding in the Spring (or whenever you have made your booking), and make it your beautiful intimate family wedding with a few special friends. You will have the wedding that you wanted, just smaller, less formal, less stressful but totally beautiful!
You can then if you wish, book another date next year, preferably towards the end of the year when (if restrictions have been lifted)you can have a Renewal of Vows Ceremony, which looks exactly like a wedding, and this is where you can have your full bridal party, dance floor and all your guests!
The biggest hindrance at the moment for couples in their wedding plans is the numbers of guests allowed and the restrictions on dance floors!
This is what a Renewal of Vows Ceremony involves:

What you leave out of your Wedding Ceremony!
Renewal of Vows Ceremony
Your Renewal of Vows Ceremony look exactly the same as your Wedding Ceremony, without the legal requirements!
You leave out…
Vows ~ ’I call upon everyone here today
To witness that
I (name) take you (name)
To be my lawful wedded wife/husband’
The Asking ~ Leave out your full name taking your partner’s full name
The Monitum ~ Leave this out altogether!
You have everything else!
Renewal of Vows Ceremony below…

Current Advice for NSW Weddings
This is the Current Advice for NSW Weddings
The maximum number of people who may attend a wedding is the maximum number of people allowed on the premises, which is one person per 4 square metres.
Wedding services are no longer subject to separate limits, with the exception of a wedding at a place of residence, which can have the greater of 20 people or one person per 4 square metres of space.
People attending will be required to provide their name and contact details so that they can be used for contact tracing.
Advice for wedding organisers
• If you want to have dancing at the wedding, ensure this is restricted to only the wedding couple and wedding party.
• Make sure to choose a venue that has a dancefloor area with enough space.
• Think about strategies to avoid crowding on the dancefloor and other areas such as avoiding or modifying rituals like throwing the bouquet or the Hora.
• Ensure people do not take alcoholic drinks onto the dancefloor.
You can use the same words as your Wedding Ceremony
Remember that you can use the same ceremony you wrote for your wedding, or you can change it. This is a second opportunity to read what you have already written and know that you can add something more to your words, as something wonderful may have happened in the meantime.
You can then exchange your rings. These can be your original wedding bands or if you wish you can have them updated with a quotation inside!
Remember that your children, family and special friends can do readings, presenting rings, or perhaps sing or play a musical instrument whilst drinks are being served.
It’s your Wedding and it’s up to your imagination how it all happens!
If this sounds like you, I would love to hear from you so give me a call on: 0404463664
X Janet

Sample Renewal of Vows Ceremony! ~ just for you
Sample Renewal of Vows
Welcome to the Renewal of Vows Ceremony for……………
We are here today to renew the Marriage Vows that Name & Name took on the 25th June 2020 in Sydney.
We have all been invited to assemble here on this happy day to witness the official union of these two lovers, and to join in the public celebration of their joy and delight in finding one another. Let us all be together in friendship and love, sharing this scene and these precious moments which join this couple.
Name & Name, let us consider the belief that you have in each other, and the fact that you are ready to proclaim publicly to us, your love, in this special rite of passage, as you renew your marriage vows.
Name & Name met in Melbourne 3 ago at work in Canberra, and together with mutual friends enjoyed many games of ten pin bowling and coffee!
When Name proposed, he said, ‘I want to marry you because I love you’ and that deep love is there every minute of every day.
Name & Name are so happy that you are able to be here today to witness again this most important celebration in their lives.
The First Reading ~
The first reading is entitled ‘Instructions for Life’ and is a quote from His Holiness, The 14th Dalai Lama
Instructions for LIfe
"Take into account that great love and great achievements involve great risk. And that a loving atmosphere in your home is the foundation for your life. Be gentle with the earth, be gentle with one another. When disagreements come remember always to protect the spirit of your union. When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it. Remember that the best relationship is one in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other. So love yourselves, love one another, love all that is your life together and all else will follow."
-His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama
The Asking
Celebrant Name
Today do you Name repeat the promise you made 3 years ago , when you promised to take as your wedded partner/wife/husband?
Do you also promise to love her/him from the three levels, the physical, mental and spiritual?
I Do
Celebrant to Name
Today do you Name repeat the promise you made 3 years agi , when you promised to take Name as your wedded partner/wife/husband?
Do you also promise to love him/her from the three levels, the physical, mental and spiritual?
Name I Do
The Vows
Celebrant to Name
I choose to continue to share my life with you
I will continue to love you for yourself
and will love you through good fortune and adversity,
while we both shall live.
Celebrant to both:
You have declared your commitment and shared your vows to each other before this gathering of family and friends.
May each of the people here today strengthen your love and fill you both with their blessings.
The Sand Ceremony
Music to play…
One of the most touching ways to mark A Renewal of Vows ceremony together is through the Unity Sand ceremony.
Today we celebrate the joining of your separate lives together though the intertwining pattern of sand created by your you, giving you a beautiful symbol of your Renewal of Vows day
The separate vessels of sand symbolize your separate lives, separate families and separate sets of friends.
Name & Name have chosen three colours to represent their lives with:
Yellow at the bottom of the vessel representing the ‘foundation of their love’
Purple which represents ‘romance’
Light Blue which represents the colour of the sky and their ‘bright future’ as a couple.
They represent all that you are and all that you'll ever be as an individual.
Once these vessels of sand are poured into this glass jar, these grains of sand can never be separated, as will your marriage be.
Each grain of sand in their separate containers represents a unique and separate moment, decision, feeling or event that helped shaped Name & Name into the separate and unique individuals that they are today.
As they pour their separate containers of sand into a common vessel, those separate and independent individuals will cease to exist.
Instead they will merge into a loving and supportive marital community.
Just as the grains of sand can never be separated into their individual containers again, so will your marriage be.”
The Renewal of Vows Blessing
The Renewal of Vows blessings are being read by …………..
Everyone gives their own blessings to the couple
Declaration of Renewal of Vows
Name & Name have on this beautiful day renewed their Marriage Vows and have declared before us their eternal love and commitment to each other.
They have reconfirmed their covenant of marriage by the joining of hands, and the reaffirmation of vows.
Therefore, I now declare them to be renewed as husband and wife.
Lifting of the Veil
Name & Name you may now kiss your bride
The Signing of the Renewal Certificate
We are now going to sign The Renewal of Vows Certificate.
Would witnesses, Name & Name join us at the signing table.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you, the renewed couple Name & Name
Please congratulate them as we wish them a beautiful life together, and thank you for celebrating with them this wonderful occasion of their Renewal of Vows.