Wedding Vows Made Easy

With Janet Lomax, Weddings I Do

First of all I have a Wedding Planner folder that I give you with at least 30 different options for your Vows, so that you can choose what connects with you! Your Wedding Vows are an expression of Your Commitment to each other, and can be repeated after me, or if you prefer, you can read them to each other! You may wish to write your own Wedding Vows, and that's easy too, just send me separate emails with your "secret vows" and I will leave them out of your ceremony until your wedding day! 

Vows are the basic legal substructure of the Marriage Ceremony. 

A definite statement of commitment must be made.

"I call upon everyone here today To witness that I (name) take you (name) To be my lawful wedded husband/wife" Anything else may be included in the vows after this line. 

The couple to face each other, hold both hands and repeat the vows, phrase by phrase after the celebrant. 

Vows ~ examples from my Wedding Planner 

1. To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer, for poorer, in times of happiness as well as adversity, while we both shall live. 

2. I give myself to you, and I promise to love and cherish you for all the days of my life. 

3. Above us are the stars, below us are the stones, As time does pass, remember Like a star our love should be constant Like a stone our love should be firm. 

In my Wedding Planning folder I have at least 30 Vows for you! 

Step 1. Simply choose one of the Vows from my wedding planner 

Step 2. You may both choose the same Vows, or both choose different Vows

Step 3. You may wish to write your own Vows, so all you do is to email me "Your Secret Vows", and I only include them on the day of your wedding.

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“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage”

Lao Tzu