'Just Engaged!'
Just Engaged!
Huge Congratulations to you both ~ this is an amazing time of your life, so enjoy every moment!
Planning your wedding takes so much pressure off your both when it gets close to your ‘big day’, so take your time, for the wedding of your dreams, now is the time to get started.
Three main ‘Must Do’s’
1 Celebrate your beautiful news with your family ~ they will be ‘Over the Moon’
2 Book your favourite place in the world, as your venue!
3 Choose your celebrant, who will create the ‘wedding of your dreams’
Once you have shared this exciting news with your family, now start to call the rest of your family ~ siblings , Grandparents, and of course your best friends!
Now that you have told your family ~ you can ‘tell the world!’
• Don’t use social media to tell your close friends ~ give them a call!
Remember that grooms still value the old fashioned tradition of ‘asking for your hand in marriage’ from your Dad, so remember they are anxiously waiting for your phone call, so that they too can share this wonderful news!
It’s really important to check your mobile contact’s list to make sure you have not missed a single friend
Now is the time for you to post an engagement photo on social media. Don’t forget to show the ring too!
Six Things to Do!
• Celebrate ~ Time for Champagne!
This is the moment you have been waiting for, so go out and celebrate this fabulous occasion
Organise your Engagement Party (if you want to have one) or maybe your prefer to celebrate your engagement with your family and friends with dinner at home ~ this too is a perfect way to celebrate!
• Time to set your date!
After all the congratulations, all your friends and family will be asking …’When’s the Wedding?’
Having had lots of time to think about the possibility of a date ~ you don’t have to be specific....just an about January next year, or ‘we have always talked about having a winter wedding with a log fire, and lots of mulled wine.
• Find your Perfect Venue
Venues are you next consideration, and if you are having a reasonably big wedding and reception, it’s time to look around and find your perfect venue.
Remember this may be ‘under your favourite tree’ in your favourite park ~ it still needs to be booked in with the local Council, and you will need to have a permit for your day. On the day of your wedding, make sure someone has the permit!
• Find your Perfect Celebrant
Find your ‘perfect celebrant’. She will help you create the wedding that you have imagined ‘in your dreams’
Your Wedding Celebrant will guide your through how to create your ceremony, just as your imagined, as well as taking you through the legal documents you need to bring when you visit.
• Find your Amazing Wedding Dress
This is your moment ~ your dress ~ so whether it’s traditional, vintage, or ‘boho chic’, ‘just love it!
Now for the fun part ~ let your imagination run wild as you drool your way through your favourite magazines, Pinterest and online pages to find your perfect wedding dress. If you are getting it made, make sure your pick it up at least one month before your date, and make sure it fits perfectly before you pay the balance.
• Make a budget
Weddings can get expensive, so you might want to consider getting a special account, and start saving!
You can also think about having a ‘wishing well’ at your wedding, instead of gifts ~ this could be a ‘honeymoon package’.
Setting a budget with your finance can sometimes be a difficult conversation, so perhaps you can agree on an approximate budget and put something in this account each month. ~ Make it realistic ~ you can still have fun!
You really do need to think about how many guests you can afford at the venue of your choice, and you may even think about having a wedding coordinator. They too can give you some great recommendations for your suppliers ~ ie., florist, cake & car hire, just to name a few.
Remember this your ‘Your Wedding Day’, so make it your own, and don’t worry about the odd opinion that may come your way from friends and family with regards to the guest list, the bridal party or the décor!
They love you and just want to help!
Janet x
Thought of the day
My bounty is as boundless as the sea,
My love as deep;
The more I give to thee
The more I have,
For both are infinite.
~ William Shakespeare ~