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I LOVE weddings so much, that when I have some spare time, I disappear into my basement and paint! At t the moment, I am creating art from my weddings with a touch of 'quirky' thrown into the mix. I am totally inspired to be at each and every wedding that I attend and want to create something to 'hold the vibe forever'!

Restrictions are easing! Book Now

Restrictions are easing! Book Now

As the restrictions are starting to change, Please contact me to discuss your upcoming wedding ceremonies as I am now taking bookings for 2022 and beyond! Remember, it's your wedding, so let your... continue reading...

Micro Weddings

Micro Weddings

Micro Weddings are a perfect way to be able to celebrate your love as per the latest Government update we can now officiate your wedding ceremony with up to 11 people. A maximum of 11 people can... continue reading...

Your Wedding Vows

Your Wedding Vows

Vows ~ Weddings I Do   ~   Vows would have to be the most important words that you use in your wedding or commitment ceremony!They tell your partner exactly how you feel at this... continue reading...